The Problem: A Pipe Machining company manufactures a drilling pipe at its TX facility. Manufacturing consists of taking raw pipe and milling threads and/or attaching couplings to the ends of the pipe of various diameters. In this process, two main waste streams are generated. First is a coolant waste generated in the CNC machines that mill the threads and the second waste stream is phosphate wash water which is the highest volume waste generated.
The Answer: The ClearFlow CF-200 has been applied to pre-treat the generated waste stream by taking the waste phosphate wash and adding a smaller amount of the coolant waste combined and treating providing clean, clear water. A secondary process consisting of a 10 g/hr corona discharge ozone circulation loop that reduces the dissolved organics present in the effluent from the CF unit. The resulting treated water is discharged. Prior to installing this system, the company was hauling this waste water from its facility at a high cost per gallon.
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Results: Consistent, repeatable results are provided by the CF System. A rugged 304 stainless steel design will provide long lasting service. Ease of use, infinite variability processing allows the system to be most efficient in consumable use and time to treat. This fully automatic system provides them with the best available technology for a difficult waste stream.